вторник, 28 октомври 2014 г.

The New DASH Will Diminish Radio Listening

Everyone knows the majority of radio listening is done in the car. Everyone also knows the automobile DASH is going through a great transformation. And by know everyone probably knows Pandora is trying to knock radio off the DASH as it works its plan to reinvent radio. On Monday the team at Borrell and Associates held a webinar predicting what would happen to media and advertising over the next ten years. One of the Borrell predictions: "Half the terrestrial radio stations will disappear."
Borrell predicts that between now and 2024, the abundance of car-dashboard options will diminish AM/FM radio listening and half the terrestrial stations now available will disappear and only those with strongest and most valuable audiences remain. A bold prediction for sure and one the radio industry will most likely disagree with. Borrell also says smartphones will become radios. Perhaps a less bold prediction as we are already seeing that taking place with consumers.
Other Borrell predictions include:
-Local advertising (as we know it) disappearing and replaced with promotions.
- The disappearance of coupons in newspapers with Beacon Technology becoming ubiquitous. Borrell says in the future, coupons will be posted on the walls of stores with consumers using their cell phones to scan them.
- 95% of all advertising is bought through programmatic networks. A few ad sales reps exist, but not many. Learn as much as you can about programmatic buying. Network with others who are
doing the same. Embrace your creative teams
- Everyone will have a marketability score. Scores will be linked to programmatic buying where machines will automatically know who should receive what message at what time in what form.
- The FCC will yank TV broadcast licenses; digital media becomes video-centric. Nearly all video viewing is recorded, without commercials. Local stations are forced to find new revenue from 10-second pre-roll and “native advertising”

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