четвъртък, 6 ноември 2014 г.

La Ranchera Moves To FM In Los Angeles

With the sale of 930 KHJ Los Angeles to Immaculate Heart Radio set to close later this month, Liberman Broadcasting has moved its Regional Mexican “La Ranchera” format from KHJ to 96.7 KWIZ Santa Ana. The move to FM for “La Ranchera” brings an end to Spanish CHR “La Rockola 96.7” format on KWIZ. The station covers the southern portion of the Los Angeles market including most of Orange County. KHJ had been branded as “La Ranchera” for over two decades. In comparison the station’s legendary Top 40 format lasted only fifteen years. 930 KHJ is tentatively scheduled to shift to Immaculate Heart Radio’s Catholic programming on Monday, November 17

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